The Implementation process: What to Expect, How to Prepare
Now that you have identified your implementation team and made some initial decisions, we’ll take a little time to give you an overview of the implementation process. You’ll learn about the various stages, the resources you’ll have available, and the requirements you will need to have at the ready.
Learning Objectives
- Be prepared to formally kick-off the IMM eSign implementation project with your IMM Project Manager
- Understand the stages of the implementation process
- Understand your role and responsibilities in the implementation process
Lesson Video
Key Elements
- The implementation process is broken up into discrete stages
- Each stage has a component of self-guided learning and a consultation with an IMM eSign specialist
- Components of IMM eSign will be installed in your environment after the completion of the second stage
- Each stage contains required activities that the institution’s implementation team will be responsible for completing prior to the consultation
Download this PDF and complete it to the best of your ability. Please rename the Customer Profile to include your institution’s name (e.g., Hometown Bank Customer Profile.PDF) when submitting it.
This PDF serves as a summary guide for all lessons in Stage 1.
No new terms introduced in this lesson.
What's Next
Now that you have completed the six lessons comprising the Introduction stage of your IMM eSign implementation, you’re almost ready to meet with your IMM Project Manager for a kick-off meeting.
To request the kick-off meeting first download and complete the customer profile. Your IMM Project Manager will contact you to set up your kick-off call.
Congratulations! You’re on your way to experiencing the convenience of IMM eSign.