Next Generation Digital ReceiptsAvailable Today
IMM’s legacy digital receipts solution, eReceipts, has provided advanced receipt technology capabilities for years.
We are excited to advance our technology to the next level in two ways: first, we have transitioned eReceipts to a cloud-based platform; and second, we have added functionality, resulting in our latest product innovation, eReceiptsPlus. This solution delivers distinctive capabilities not found in any other receipt product in today’s market.
eReceiptsPlus maintains the features of legacy eReceipts: it generates digital transaction receipts, captures electronic signatures, delivers finalized receipts to the consumer and archives fully-indexed PDFs of the receipts to your imaging/content management system. But with the advent of eReceiptsPlus, delivery now includes SMS/text delivery in addition to print and email. Furthermore, capture of electronic signatures is now possible using the consumer’s own smartphone. This genuinely innovative capability uses our own patent-pending zero-footprint SMS/text-based capture technology.
Cloud-based Solution
eReceiptsPlus has been totally architected, developed, and is deployed as a service to IMM client institutions via Microsoft’s advanced Azure Cloud service. We’ve taken all the headaches out of traditional hardware costs and hardware administration, along with data security, backup, and management associated with premise-based solutions—and replaced those with the latest advances in cloud-based services from Microsoft. Using this advanced cloud service, eReceiptsPlus automatically and dynamically scales to meet high-demand transaction volumes—avoiding degradation or latency in system performance. This is truly one of the most advanced technology platforms IMM has brought to the financial services community.
SMS/Text-based Receipt Delivery
In addition to the final receipt delivery options traditionally available from IMM, eReceiptsPlus now offers the added option and convenience of delivering receipts to the consumer via simple SMS/Text messaging that has been integrated directly into the eReceiptsPlus platform.
Embedded eSignature Capture
This is the truly exciting part. Our unique, patent-pending, embedded eSignature capture functionality allows the receipt to be delivered to the consumer via SMS/Text messaging where it can be reviewed – and eSigned – directly on the consumer’s own device. This innovative and advanced functionality offers benefits and value long sought but unobtainable until today in the digital receipts market.
Consider these solutions:

Drive-Thru Solved
Traditional receipt solutions have not been able to address electronic receipt signing in a drive-thru scenario. Now with eReceiptsPlus – the drive-thru consumer can be texted the receipt to their smartphone – review and sign the receipt directly on their device – and return the completed receipt back to the teller.

Call Center Solved
The call center is a popular engagement channel for consumers to leverage when transactions need to be completed remotely. For those that require a signature on the transaction to complete, the embedded signature capture in eReceiptsPlus offers a way to digitally complete the transaction during the original phone call.

Touch Contact Mitigated
Even when consumers enter a branch or other in-person environment, they can use their own personal device to sign receipts without having to interact or come into contact with “publicly accessed” signature pads used by others before them. In today’s “touch sensitive” environment, eReceiptsPlus delivers yet one more advantage from our patent-pending embedded signature capture technology.