
An attachment is essentially any other document (or image) that might be included in the session that is not templated. These may include standard terms and conditions, proofs of ID, informational materials, titles, proofs of insurance, and much more. Generally, documents that do not need to be signed or initialed often fall into this category. Since attachments are not automated in the way templates are, they are added to a session manually with information selected by the user from convenient drop-down menus.

In this lesson we learn how to create and utilize Attachment types.

After watching the video, be sure to work with your team to perform the Lesson Activity, below.

Key Elements

  • Understand what types of documents will be and can be attachments
  • Explore the use cases for adding attachments in branch
  • Learn how to create an attachment type
  • Explore the use cases for utilizing remote attachments and understand how to set them up

Lesson Video

Learning Objectives

  • Apply your knowledge of all the elements of an attachment type and how they are used for both in branch and remote sign attachments.
  • ACTIVITY: Identify at least one (1) attachment type from your document list in your Implementation Workbook and set it up in your eSign solution. If you’ll be using remote signature, also set up a remote attachment template.
  • Record any questions your team has to discuss with your IMM Solution Specialist

What's Next

In Lesson 5, the final lesson of Stage 4, we will cover some additional items surrounding the Document Maintenance screen and activity. We will also touch on some exceptions that may or may not apply to you depending on your institution’s environment including what browsers you use, what business systems you have, and what imaging system you will archive to.