Components of eSign and Implementation Requirements


As we draw closer to the installation activity, it is imperative that your team have a complete picture and understanding of the system and requirements for your IMM eSign system. Given the fact that your system is cloud-based, the number of on site requirements are minimal, yet no less deserving of your attention. At the conclusion of this lesson you should have a good understanding of these requirements and be prepared to discuss any questions with your IMM Implementation Consultant.

Key Elements

  • IMM eSign is a browser-based application—what browsers are supported and what are some considerations
  • The eSign client install
  • Installation of the Imaging Index Service described in Lesson 4
  • The initial installation activity—what to expect and how to prepare

Lesson Video

Learning Objectives

  • Determine what browser your institution will utilize for IMM eSign
  • Identify any areas of confusion or concern to discuss with your IMM Implementation Consultant
  • Identify a server to be used to run the Imaging Index Service
  • Confirm the identities of the team that will participate in the installation activity and the workstation(s) that will be used


No new terms introduced in this lesson

What's Next

In the final lesson of Stage 2 we will discuss use cases as they relate to implementation planning for your IMM eSign project. By developing use cases you will be able to facilitate not only the implementation of your business process, but also the training of your end users.