Using eSign
In Stage 1 of the eSign Onboarding program, we provided a basic level of understanding of eSign from which to build a foundation that was then used to prepare the unique solution your institution is about to take live.
Now it’s time to make sure that all employees who will be using eSign have a similar foundational understanding. As a first step, review the videos from the first four lessons of Stage 1. Remember, these videos represent a generic solution and NOT your institution’s specific nuanced implementation. Determine which of these videos you’d like to use as part of your end user training process.
Key Elements
- Develop a good understanding of the basics of eSign and how it works
- Understand how eSign fits in with your business process(es)
- Understand the essential functions of eSign
- Feel comfortable having discussions about how your institution will use eSign
Lesson Video
Learning Objectives
- Develop a comfort level with how eSign works
- Be prepared to learn more about the unique user functions that may be used by your employees
This PDF provides a high level visual and textual overview of the basic process flow for IMM eSign Cloud.
What's Next
In Lesson 2 we’ll explore multiple user functions. The various functions have been addressed or discussed throughout the prior training and may or may not be used by some or all your employees.