Training Videos

eSign XML

The following videos are a critical part of your training curriculum. The members of the institution’s project team should review each video initially in the order presented prior to the training sessions with your IMM Implementation Specialist.

Administrative Topics

New Features Overview

Document Maintenance & Document Set Maintenance

Criteria Maintenance

Index Fields Maintenance

User & Group Maintenance

General Settings

Imaging System Settings

eSignature Settings

Remote Attachment Template

Status API Settings

(optional – only applies to MeridianLink and TCI currently)




Remote Sign

The following video links are provided for your usage and should be viewed if your institution will be utilizing Remote Sign. They will be a critical part of your training curriculum and should be viewed prior to the training session with your IMM Implementation Specialist.


Add Users

Deactivate User

Create a Shared Document Template

Edit or Delete a Template

Admin Global Settings

Admin Account Sharing

Admin Shared Events & Alerts

Create Report


Manage, Track & Change Agreements

Set Up Profile Preferences

Adobe Ad Hoc Bonus Features

Send documents for signature with Adobe Sign

Web Form Training

Mega Sign Training