Planned Features & Functionality

IMM eSign 2021.1

IMM eSign Items:

  1. New “Manage Sessions” Status page to manage transactions.
    • New Manage Sessions Status Page will provide a dashboard for managing all transactions irrespective of transaction status. Cancelled and expired sessions can also be located with ease from this page and their audit reviewed.
    • New page will incorporate all features of Remote Signature Status Page and Remote Signature Status Page will be deprecated.
    • Users can manage in-person and remote sessions from a single page without having to switch between two separate reporting pages.
    • Feature to provide real time [On Demand] signer status for remote transactions and automatically download session documents if transaction is completely signed.
    • New feature to search for sessions by title field, allowing to locate and manage transactions quickly.
    • Page will make it easy to manage transactions by providing capability to preview documents, edit indexes, delete documents, add notes, transfer and delete sessions.
    • In Branch Sessions that are completely signed can be archived with a single click without leaving the page.
    • New feature to cancel sessions pending in remote will be added to this page.
    • Completed session can be reindexed individually from this page without accessing search-completed page.
    • With the Remote Signature Status page retired, the nav key for DEStatusReport will be updated to Manage Sessions Page.
  2. New feature to correct an email address for remote signers from within eSign from Manage Sessions page
    • In scenarios of mis-spelt/wrong email addresses, eSign does not permit to replace the email address once session is submitted for remote signatures. Customers will need to access Adobe site and manage the transaction for this purpose. Enhancement would permit user to replace signer email address from eSign for transactions submitted to remote.
  3. Honor Do not Archive Setting for documents
    • Currently, signed documents that are set to “Do Not Archive”, will be archived regardless of the Document Level Setting . Enhancement will provide multiple archiving options at the template level. The choice made by the institution to archive the document will be honored even if the documents have signature fields  or review by party.
    • The ability to submit Archiving flag value via REST API and TESignLite API will be deprecated. All newly created API session documents will be automatically set to “Always Archive”. User can modify the Archiving property of a template using eSign UI later.
  4. Expanded eDelivery options
    • Currently eDelivery process does not allow choosing specific parties to send documents. Enhancement will provide ability to skip specific parties when sending documents for eDelivery.
  5. Apply Mark Enhancements
    • Provide Zoom capability for Documents during In-Person signature ceremony
  6. Support to set custom expiration limit on certain time sensitive remote transactions
    • Certain business process requirements may need to accommodate time sensitive remote transactions, which are different from the institutional defaults. Enhancement would allow setting expiration time limit on signing for certain time sensitive transactions.
  7. Updated General Settings UI
    • eSign FIAdmin Administration general settings tabs will be reorganized to enhance user experience
  8. Specify Remote Message Template based on document
    • Currently eSign allows specifying a default remote message template for remote sessions at institution level Enhancement would extend this feature to customize the remote message template for a transaction based on the documents used for that session.
      Update to Document Maintenance (XML) Export Feature
    • Include Criteria Condition in addition to currently provided Criteria Name on the exported CSV file.
  9. Updated Remote Attachment Template Maintenance screen
    • Improvement to Remote Attachment Template Maintenance page UI for ease of use.
  10. Updated Request Remote Attachment Page
    • Improvement to Request Remote Attachment UI for ease of use.
  11. Support to copy user and group permissions
    • This enhancement allows copying any existing User and Group’s permissions and other details and creating a new user/group.
  12. Configurable Title field per transaction
    • Currently eSign considers Primary Signer name or First Signer Name (RTS) as the title field for the session. However, for some transactions, the title field should reflect the business name and not the signer name to avoid confusions. Enhancement will allow choosing title field for the institution while also allowing customizing the Title field for specific transactions.
  13. Setting to hide Scanner Component features on UI
    • Enhancement would hide all scanner options on the UI for those Institutions that do not support scanner component.
  14. Updated Undefined Document flow
    • Enhancement will improve the user experience when adding an undefined document in a transaction.
  15. Confirmation message when signers are merged
    • Since merge action cannot be undone, when signers are merged, users will be prompted to confirm the action before merging.
  16. Support for institutions to set their own API keys.
    • SOAP API Updates – Access passwords can be customized by institutions for each FI.
    • Session Status Pull API – Access passwords can be customized by institutions for each FI.
    • Support for administrators to enable and set their own API Key.
    • Support for FileTransfer web service password (file transfer is used for XML integrations only)
    • FI Admin should be able to use prior “(old)” eSign Access Password individually for all these APIs.
  17. Support for new Verifast 6.3 API
  18. Support for accepting consent and signing sessions using Topaz GemView
    • Ability to display eSign disclosure on Topaz signature pads for in-branch signing ceremonies to allow customers to see what they are agreeing to on the topaz screen
  19. Additional Cloud Security Fixes and defects
    • Address agreed upon known issues identified in prior releases.

IMM eSign Plus Items:

  1. Improvements to cases page
    • New capability to filter sessions by signature status
    • Review remote session status real time from Cases page without having to leave the page for this purpose
    • In tune with eSign, Cases Page will provide real time [On Demand] signer status for remote transactions and automatically download session documents if transaction is completely signed.
  2. Ability to Reroute Sessions from Session Details page
    • Provide Re-route feature from session details page and eliminate the need to access Cases page just to re-route the session.
  3. Workflow builder enhancements
    • Feature will provide the ability to de-activate not in use workflows.